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http://www.sina.com.cn 2000年3月27日 10:58 新东方学校出国咨询处

  在本案中,您可以了解到签证官给申请人工作经验打分是根据什么,又错在哪里。待您办理移民申请时,如果发生类 似的事情,您便知道该怎么做了。

  Paik 诉 加拿大公民暨移民部长

  法官:Jerome A. C. J.



  1996年9月13日,JEROME A. C. J.法官:本案申请人请求对签证官拒绝Paik先生移民申 请的决定进行司法审查并将其推翻。1996年2月1日在安大略多伦多法庭对本案辩论作出结论时,我判定申请人的申请胜 诉,我的书面理由如下:

  1994年8月19日,Paik先生在洛杉矶的加拿大总领馆提出移民申请。他希望在加拿大从事的职业是计算机 系统分析员。1995年1月18日申请人接受签证官的面试。面试中,申请人共给签证官一份雇主(即加州理工大学研究生 院航空学实验室)的推荐信,及一份大学的成绩单。推荐信的日期为1995年1月12日,推荐人是航空学教授Ravic handran。推荐信的部分内容如下:"我很高兴为Oongil Paik先生写这封推荐信。他目前在加州理工大学 固体力学组任计算机系统分析员。我认识Paik先生有两年了。自1993年1月至今我负责指导他的工作。他在上述工作 中表现突出,能力卓越。


  总之,Dongil Paik先生是一位优秀的职员,并对我们小组的教学和研究工作给予了极大的帮助。"

  "It gives me great pleasure to write this letter fo r Mr. Oongil Paik who is employed as a Computer Systems Analyst for the solid mechanics group at the California Institute of Technology. I have know Mr. Paik for the l ast too years and I have supervised him in his job from January 1993 to the present. His performance on the abo ve mentioned job has been outstanding and has been high ly productive as well.


  In conclusion, Mr. Oongil Paik is an exemplary empl oyee and has been of utmost help to our group in our te aching and research."在面试过程中,签证官问申请人,1993年他已有几个学期不在加州理工大 学读书了,如何还能在那里工作?申请人回答说他受聘时已被录取参加冬季课程,但后来由于生病的原因退学了。申请人还说 ,虽然学校按照每周工作10小时来付他薪酬,但他由于不用上课,实际上是自愿做了全职工作。

  签证官不满意申请人的解释,并询问上司的意见。上司建议他与推荐人联系核对推荐信中的事实。但签证官在电话里 找到的人并非Ravichandran教授,而是固体力学系监管Geralyn Chittum。她说申请人不在该该 校任职,但又说她需要证实这一点再向签证官确认。签定官在证据是当天下午晚些时候她与Ravichandran教授通 了话。


  "你在加州理工大学的学习已间断数个学期,却还能够继续在该校任职。我对这个事实感到怀疑,而你也没有给我一 满意的答复。因此,我与该校固体力学组取得联系,并找到你的推荐人(即Guruswaminaidu Ravicha ndran先生)。他说目前你没有被他们聘用,因此推荐信中的内容不属实。你也没有被他们全职聘用过。实际上你在该校 读书时每周只工作10个小时,并且时常义务工作而拿不到工资。


  "I questioned the fact that you could continue in y our employment at Cal - Tech you have not been enroled as a student for several terms and you could not provid e me with a satisfactory response. I, therefore, contac ted the Department and was able to talk to the individu al who had signed the above-noted employment letter (Mr . Guruswaminaide Ravichandran). He indicated that the i nformation in the letter was incorrect as you are not c urrently employed by them, as stated in the letter. You also were not employed by them on a full-time basis. Yo u actually worked there only ten hours a week while you were a student and at times were not even on their payr oll but functioned as a "Volunteer".

  You are not entitled to any units of assessment for the experience factor as you have not been able to demo nstrate that you functioned as a Computer Systems Analy st for at least one year's time.

  现在申请人力求推翻这一决定,理由是签证官对没有证据的事实做了错误的裁定,并且没有对申请人的工作经验和教 育背景适当地并结合档案中的证据加以考虑。

  在Muliadi诉加拿大就业及移民部长(1986)一案中,联邦上诉法院就此类性质案件中所应遵循的"公平 行事原则"做了以下评述:

  在这种情况下,虽然他达不到完全审理的资格,但我认为在签证官按照安大略省当局对申请人的评估做出拒签决定以 前,申请人应有机会面对和应付这种对他不利的评估。因为根据这个评估,申请人被拒签了。公平行事的原则惠及此类案件。 在此,我采用Parker C. J. 法官在In re H. K(An Infant),[1976]2 Q. B. 617,第630页所提出的观点:

  "在我看来,这是一个相当与众不同的案子。我怀疑是否可以说移民当局是以司法或准司法的身份来做事的,因为那 些条款是一般人都能够理解的。但同时,我本人认为,即使签证官不具有司法或准司法的地位,他必须给申请人一个机会。就 前面提到的问题来力图令签证官满意。为此,应让申请人知道签证官直接的印象是什么,从而申请人能够加以反驳。我认为这 不是依法或有责任依法处理的问题,而是公平行事的义务。我认为,开明的行政管理以及正直或真诚的决定必须不仅不能有偏 心,也不仅要考虑到所有应该考虑的问题,还有公平行事之义务。如此,在每个案子的具体范围和行政官员工作所受到的法律 框架的约束内,那所谓的"自然主义"法则才可适用,而在如本案中,这只是公平行事的义务。"(Emthasis ad ded)

  "This, as it seems to me, is a very different case, and I doubt whether it can be said that the immigration authorities are acting in a judicial or quasi-judicial capacity as those terms are generally understood. But a t the same time, I myself think that even if and immigr ation officer is not in a judicial or quasi-judicial ca pacity, he must at any rate give the immigrant an oppor tunity of satisfying him of the matters in the subsecti on, and for that purpose let the immigrant know what hi s immediate impression is so that the immigrant an disa buse him. That is not, as I see it, a question of actin g or being required to act judicially, but of being req uired to act fairly. Good administration and an honest or bona fide decision must, as it seems to me, require not merely impartiality, nor merely bringing one's mind to bear on the problems, but acting fairly; and to the limited extent that the circumstances of any particular case allow, and within the legislative framework under which the administrator is working, only to that limite d extent do the so - called rules of natural justice ap ply, which in a case such as this is merely a duty to a ct fairly." [Emphasis added.]

  在Regina讨Gaming Board for Great Britin,Exparty Benai m and Khaida,[1970] 2 Q. B. 417第430页,这种原则的阐述得到英国上诉法院(由D enning M. R. 法官,Wilberforce法官及Phillimore L. 法官组成)的一致赞同。 我认为这一原则在此也适用。

  在本案中,签证官给申请人工作经验打零分的根据显然是Ravichandran教授在电话中提供的信息。但是 ,教授电话中所说的话是与他的推荐信中所写的内容有重大分歧的。在推荐信中,该教授对申请人作为计算机系统分析员的能 力大为赞扬。上述分歧提出一个疑点,即与签证官通话的人和写推荐信的人是否同为一人?由于对这种分歧缺乏任何解释,所 以又加深了这个疑点。根据Muliadi案子的决定,我认为,按照公平行事的原则,签证官有义务将这种分歧告知申请人 ,并在作出决定之前给申人一个机会让他自己作出解释。



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